Pulizie b&b e Short Rent Perugia

Welcome guests


The guests are welcomed at the beginning of the stay, all the details concerning the structure are shown and described, such as the functioning of the lights, swimming pool, fireplace, electrical panels, food supplies.

Check end-of-stay facilities


Check the integrity of the structure before guests leave to detect any damage.

Basic/Ordinary cleaning and rearrangement

Room cleaning service

The cleaning company Speedy puts at the service of its customers, products from our GREEN line for the cleaning of hotels and B&Bs in Perugia, with a complete room sanitization and sanitizing service inn.
Basic or Rough Cleaning
We carry out basic cleaning on post-renovation apartments to prepare them for sale or rental.
Ordinary cleaning
cleaning service after check out.
Rearrangement cleaning
cleaning service during the guest's stay, consists of tidying up and changing linen.

Home staging

Prepare your property for the new stay

We prepare the property for sale or rent, studying a special set-up to gain greater visibility, making it more attractive and captivating.

Linen rental and washing

Full washing service

Complete washing set of linen and sheets for hotel room cleaning in Perugia. We offer the rental service of bathroom and bedroom linen, before the arrival of the guest and during the stay.

Servizi per la persona

Home Cooking, Baby Sitter e Dog Sitter

Offriamo servizio aggiuntivi per il benessere della persona. Garantiamo collaboratori qualificati nelle mansioni:


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